Rouen is a great shopping town, and is positively bristling with baby and maternity stores. It's almost frightening how many there are. . . We enjoyed some retail therapy, and found some lovely presents for people. Dinner on our first night was found at an Italian restaurant with pavement tables. We were both intrigued by Robyn's pizza being doused in cream - an odd custom, but tasty.
Our Tuesday afternoon was spent in an excursion to the village of Giverny - home of

Dragging ourselves away, we had a short stroll through the gardens of the American Impressionist Museum (complete with poppy field) and ate an ice cream on our way up to see the church - a Medieval building with a lovely cemetery. We had to scurry back to catch the last bus, but wished we'd had longer to look around.
There is a church in Rouen dedicated to Sainte Jeanne d'Arc (situated just meters from where she was burned) and we spent some time there the next day. It is a modern building, influenced in design by ships, and is very thought provoking. It was a good place to sit and recap our historical knowledge of the Maid. We also planned to visit the tower where she was tortured, but found it was closed for a couple of weeks. Feeling ourselves somewhat thwarted, we visited instead the Musée de la céramique, where we admired the building more enthusiastically than the ceramics - there was a room clad entirely in hand painted wooden panels, each depicting a different fruit or flower. With time to kill, we then made our way to the Museum of Fine Arts, where we were favourably impressed with the clear descriptions of paintings and styles, and spent some time looking at a display of ikons and impressionist works, also admiring the modern installations in the foyer and stairwells.
We had an early train to catch the next morning, and just had time to have a peep inside the Cathedral before we left. I found a pretty spiral staircase near the front of the church, and would like to explore it further some time. We had to leave fairly hastily, as we had been intrigued each morning by commotions and goings-on outside the courthouse opposite our room. There must have been a high profile case being tried, as there were vans escorted by helicopters and about 14 different types of policemen hanging about. On our last morning Robyn made the mistake of peeping out at them from between the curtains, only to find a 'sniper' aiming his weapon at her from the roofline of the courthouse! Each time she peeped he swung it around, and then later when she tried to take a photo of another cop down in the courtyard he spotted her and shook his finger 'no'. I thought they'd be waiting at the door below for us! but no such luck.
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